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Hull Number: DD-963

Launch Date: 11/10/1973

Commissioned Date: 09/20/1975

Decommissioned Date: 03/23/2005

Call Sign: NDKV (84-87)

Voice Call Sign: SHY NATIVE (75), QUIET WARRIOR (76),



Length Overall: 563’ 3"

Beam: 55’

Draft: 29'

Full Load Displacement: 8,040 tons


Two 5″/54 caliber guns
Two 20mm Close-In Weapons Systems
One ASROC Launcher
Two 12.75″ triple anti-submarine torpedo tubes


19 Officers
315 Enlisted


4 General Electric LM2500 Gas Turbines: 80,000 horsepower

Highest speed on trials: 32.5 knots



Wikipedia (as of 2024)

Raymond Ames Spruance (July 3, 1886 – December 13, 1969) was a United States Navy admiral during World War II. He commanded U.S. naval forces during the Battle of the Philippine Sea, one of the most significant naval battles of the Pacific Theatre. He also commanded Task Force 16 at the Battle of Midway, comprising the carriers Enterprise and Hornet. At Midway, dive bombers from Enterprise sank four larger carriers of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Most historians consider Midway the turning point of the Pacific War.[1]

Official Navy historian Samuel Eliot Morison characterized Spruance’s performance as “superb”, and he was nicknamed “electric brain” for his calmness even in moments of supreme crisis, a reputation enhanced by his successful tactics.[2] He emerged from the war as one of the greater admirals in American naval history.[3] After the war, Spruance was appointed President of the Naval War College, and later served as American ambassador to the Philippines.

Spruance was born in BaltimoreMaryland, on July 3, 1886, to Alexander and Annie Hiss Spruance. He was raised in Indianapolis, Indiana.[4] Spruance attended Indianapolis public schools and graduated from Shortridge High School. From there, he went on to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1906,[5] and received further, hands-on education in electrical engineering a few years later. His classmates included Arthur L. BristolWilliam L. CalhounWilliam A. GlassfordCharles C. HartiganAubrey W. FitchFrank J. FletcherRobert L. GhormleyIsaac C. KiddJohn S. McCain Sr.Leigh NoyesFerdinand L. ReichmuthJohn H. TowersRussell Willson, and Thomas Withers.

Spruance’s first duty assignment was aboard the battleship USS Iowa, an 11,400-ton veteran of the Spanish–American War. In July 1907 he transferred to the battleship Minnesota and was aboard her during the historic around-the-world cruise of the Great White Fleet from 1907 to 1909.

Spruance’s seagoing career included command of the destroyers Bainbridge from March 1913 to May 1914, Osborne, three other destroyers, and the battleship Mississippi.

In 1916 he aided in the fitting out of the battleship Pennsylvania and he served on board her from her commissioning in June 1916 until November 1917. During the last year of World War I he was assigned as Assistant Engineer Officer of the New York Naval Shipyard, and carried out temporary duty in London, England and Edinburgh, Scotland.[6]

Following his return to the United States, Spruance served aboard transport ship USS Agamemnon, before he was ordered to Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine, for duty in connection with fitting out of destroyer USS Aaron Ward in March 1919. He commanded that vessel during the patrols with the Atlantic Fleet until January 1920, when he assumed command of newly commissioned destroyer USS Percival in San FranciscoCalifornia.[7]

He commanded the Percival during the sea trials off the California coast and during the patrol cruises with the Destroyer Force, Pacific Fleet until May 1922, when he was ordered to Washington, D.C., for duty in the Bureau of Engineering under Rear Admiral John K. Robison. While in that capacity he assumed additional duty as a member of the board on doctrine of aircraft in connection with fleet fire control.[7]

Spruance served in Washington until early 1924, when he was ordered to the headquarters, Commander Naval Force in Europe. He served as Assistant Chief of Staff under Vice Admiral Philip Andrews during the period of tensions between Greece and Turkey and was decorated with the Gold Cross of the Order of the Savior by the Government of Greece for his service.[7]

Spruance ran a quiet bridge, without chit-chat; he demanded that orders be given concisely and clearly. In one incident a distraught officer rushed to report, “Captain, we’ve just dropped a depth charge over the stern!” “Well, pick it up and put it back,” was Spruance’s measured response.[8]

He began attendance at the Naval War College in 1926, and graduated in 1927. Spruance served as executive officer of USS Mississippi from October 1929 to June 1931. He also held several engineering, intelligence, staff and Naval War College positions up to the 1940s. He served as an instructor at the Naval War College from 1935 to 1938. He commanded the battleship USS Mississippi from April 1938 to December 1939, when he was promoted to rear admiral. On February 26, 1940, Spruance reported as commandant of the 10th Naval District with headquarters at Naval Station Isla Grande in San Juan, Puerto Rico. On August 1, 1941, he finished his tour in Puerto Rico.

In the first months of World War II in the Pacific, Spruance commanded the four heavy cruisers and support ships of Cruiser Division Five from his flagship, the heavy cruiser USS Northampton. His division was an element of the task force built around the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise and commanded by Vice Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr. Early on, Halsey had led his task force on hit-and-run raids against the Japanese in the western Pacific: striking the Gilbert and Marshall islands in February 1942, Wake Island in March, and projecting the air power of the Doolittle Raid against the Japanese homeland in April. These raids were critical to morale—setting a new tone of aggressiveness by U.S. commanders while providing invaluable battle experience for the commanders and sailors of the U.S. Navy.[4]

During the third week of May 1942, U.S. naval intelligence units confirmed that the Japanese would—by early June—invade Midway Island. Capturing and occupying Midway was the brainchild-plan of commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. With it he intended to significantly expand the Imperial Japanese Navy‘s outer defense perimeter across the central Pacific; and, he believed, this very powerful stroke against Midway would so severely threaten Hawaii and Pearl Harbor that the U.S. government would be induced to sue for peace.[9] On the other hand, commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral Chester Nimitz knew he must intercept the Japanese invasion fleet, and that he must give battle to the enemy aircraft carriers before they could project their overwhelming power against the naval air station at Midway.

Fewer than two days before launch from Pearl Harbor, Nimitz’s commander of the fleet carrier force, Admiral Halsey, was hospitalized with severe shingles;[10] Halsey immediately recommended Admiral Spruance to Nimitz as his replacement with Admiral Fletcher receiving overall command.[11] Although Spruance was proven as a cruiser division commander, he had no experience handling carrier-air combat; Halsey reassured Nimitz, and he told Spruance and Fletcher to rely on their newly inherited staff, particularly Captain Miles Browning, a battle-proven expert in carrier warfare.[12] Spruance assumed command of Task Force 16 with its two carriers, USS Enterprise and USS Hornet, under battle command of Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher. Fletcher would command Task Force 17, but the task force flagship, USS Yorktown, had been badly damaged at the Battle of the Coral Sea and the formation’s other carrier, Lexington, had been sunk, but at Nimitz’s behest Yorktown was patched-repaired in “rush” time purposefully to join the Midway operation.[11]

The U.S. Navy intercept force centered on the three carriers EnterpriseHornet, and Yorktown, and their air-attack squadrons. It faced a Japanese invasion fleet organized into two groups: the air-attack task force of four carriers with support ships under command of Admiral Chūichi Nagumo, and the surface and occupation forces under Admiral Nobutake Kondō and others. Admiral Yamamoto commanded the combined invasion fleet from aboard his flagship Yamato.

At 0530 June 4, a scout plane from Midway sighted the Kido Butai, however the scout only reported sighting “Two carriers and battleships”, and giving course and speed. Since US intelligence had reported the possibility that the Kido Butai would be operating in two separate task forces, that meant that Fletcher only knew the location of half of the carrier force. Armed with this information, Fletcher ordered Spruance to launch a strike at the Japanese with Enterprise and Hornet while holding Yorktown in reserve in case the other Japanese carriers were discovered. Since the Japanese planes were returning from the Midway strike, Spruance ordered that his strike be launched without delay so as to maximize the chances that the Japanese carriers would be caught while landing planes or spotting the next wave. In this state the Japanese carriers would be extremely vulnerable. Furthermore, Spruance ordered that the air squadrons fly directly to their targets before assembling every squadron into a proper formation, gambling that the attacks would leave the enemy carriers in disarray and delay the launching of their own counterstrike. Though this gamble paid off, Enterprise air squadrons would pay a heavy price, flying in piece-meal and mostly without fighter escort.

The battle commenced on the morning of June 4; the first several waves of U.S. attack aircraft were badly beaten, both near Midway and at sea around the Japanese task force. Then U.S. dive bombers from Spruance’s Enterprise flew to Nagumo’s fleet of four carriers – which, fatefully, were without air cover. Most of Nagumo’s attack planes had just returned from the first strike on Midway and were immobilized in the carrier hangers, while his combat air patrol cover planes were engaged with battling torpedo bombers from HornetEnterprise dive bombers critically damaged two Japanese carriers including Nagumo’s flagship Akagi; while the Yorktown air group, launched after Fletcher was confident that all Japanese carriers were accounted for, crippled the Soryu. All three were eventually scuttled.

Hiryū, the surviving carrier, gave the Japanese some brief respite by sending strikes that again damaged Yorktown. But several hours later—near the end of daylight hours—a U.S. scout plane located Hiryū again. Fletcher quickly ordered his dive bombers to strike, which fatally damaged the fourth Japanese carrier; it was scuttled the next day. However a second strike from Hiryū would fatally cripple Fletcher’s flagship, Yorktown and as a result, Fletcher passed command to Spruance, who would command the mop-up phase of the battle.

The U.S. Navy counterforce sank all four Japanese carriers while losing one of its own, Yorktown. The repulse of the Japanese invasion fleet at Midway, and critically the destruction of the Kido Butai, allowed the U.S. to gain parity in the naval air war. In 1949, naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison noted that Spruance was subjected to criticism for not pursuing the retreating Japanese and allowing the surface fleet to escape.[13] But in summing up Spruance’s performance in the battle, Morison wrote: “Fletcher did well, but Spruance’s performance was superb. Calm, collected, decisive, yet receptive to advice; keeping in his mind the picture of widely disparate forces, yet boldly seizing every opening. Raymond A. Spruance emerged from the battle one of the greatest admirals in American naval history”.[14][15] For his actions at the battle of Midway, Rear Admiral Spruance was awarded the Navy Distinguished Service Medal and cited as follows: “For exceptionally meritorious service … as Task Force Commander, United States Pacific Fleet. During the Midway engagement which resulted in the defeat of and heavy losses to the enemy fleet, his seamanship, endurance, and tenacity in handling his task force were of the highest quality.”[16] Both Fletcher and Nimitz recommended Spruance for the Distinguished Service Medal for his role in the battle.[17]

The Battle of Midway is considered by many to be a turning point of the war in the Pacific, along with the Guadalcanal campaign. Before Midway, a small and fractional U.S. Navy faced an overwhelmingly larger and battle-hardened Japanese Combined Fleet. After Midway, although the Japanese still held a temporary advantage in vessels and planes, the U.S. Navy and the nation gained confidence and, most critically, time. The setback in the Japanese timetable to encircle the Pacific gave the U.S. industrial machine time to crank up war production, and ultimately, to turn the advantage on Japan in the production of ships, planes, guns, and all the other matériel of war. The Battle of Midway infused the U.S. Pacific Navy with confidence. And with this battle the American forces gained, and afterwards continued to gain, hard combat experience; so the Japanese lost that crucial advantage as well.[citation needed]

Shortly after the Midway battle, Spruance became chief of staff to Admiral Nimitz, and in September 1942 was appointed as Deputy Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet.

On 5 August 1943 Spruance was placed in command of the Central Pacific Force, which, on April 29, 1944, was redesignated as the Fifth Fleet. At that time, Admiral Nimitz instituted a unique arrangement in which the command of the vessels which made up the “Big Blue Fleet” alternated between Admiral William Halsey Jr., at which time it was identified as the Third Fleet and Task Force 38, and Admiral Spruance, when it became the Fifth Fleet and Task Force 58. When not in command of the fleet the admirals and their staffs were based at Pearl Harbor and planned future operations.

The two admirals were a contrast in styles. Halsey was aggressive and a risk taker. Spruance was calculating and cautious. Notwithstanding their different personalities, Spruance and Halsey were close friends. In fact, Spruance had a knack for getting along with difficult people, including his friend Admiral Kelly Turner, the hotheaded commander of 5th Fleet’s amphibious force. One exception was Admiral John Towers, a constant critic of Spruance, whom Spruance came to despise for his naked ambition.[18]

Most common sailors were proud to serve under Halsey; most higher-ranking officers preferred to serve under Spruance. Captain George C. Dyer of the light cruiser Astoria, who served under both Spruance and Halsey, summed up the view of many ship captains:

My feeling was one of confidence when Spruance was there. When you moved into Admiral Halsey’s command from Admiral Spruance’s … you moved [into] an area in which you never knew what you were going to do in the next five minutes or how you were going to do it, because the printed instructions were never up to date…. He never did things the same way twice. When you moved into Admiral Spruance’s command, the printed instructions were up to date, and you did things in accordance with them.[19]

This gave rise to the description of Spruance as “an Admiral’s admiral”.

Spruance directed Operation Hailstone against the Japanese naval base Truk in February 1944 in which twelve Japanese warships, thirty-two merchant ships and 249 aircraft were destroyed. This occurred at the same time that Admiral Turner‘s forces were attacking Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshalls, about 700 miles to the east. Spruance himself directed a task group of battleships, cruisers and destroyers that left the main body to go after Japanese ships that were fleeing Truk, sinking the light cruiser Katori and destroyer Maikaze. This was said to be the first time that a four-star admiral took part in a sea action aboard one of the ships engaged. Admiral Spruance commanded with deadly precision, reported an observer.[20]

While screening the American invasion of Saipan in June 1944, Spruance defeated the Japanese fleet in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Although he broke the back of the Japanese naval air force by sinking three carriers, two oilers and destroying about 600 enemy airplanes (so many that the remaining Japanese carriers were used solely as decoys in the Battle of Leyte Gulf a few months later due to the lack of aircraft and aircrews to fly them) Spruance has been criticized for not being aggressive enough in exploiting his success in the Philippine Sea.[21] Buell quotes Spruance speaking with Morison:

As a matter of tactics I think that going out after the Japanese and knocking their carriers out would have been much better and more satisfactory than waiting for them to attack us, but we were at the start of a very important and large amphibious operation and we could not afford to gamble and place it in jeopardy.

However, his actions were both praised and understood by the main persons ordering and directly involved in the battle. Admiral Ernest J. King, the Chief of Naval Operations, said to him “Spruance, you did a damn fine job there. No matter what other people tell you, your decision was correct.” Spruance’s fast carrier commander, Marc Mitscher, told his chief of staff Arleigh Burke:

You and I have been in many battles, and we know there are always some mistakes. This time we were right because the enemy did what we expected him to do. Admiral Spruance could have been right. He’s one of the finest officers I know of. It was his job to protect the landing force….[8]

For most of the war, Spruance preferred to use the heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis, named for his hometown, as his flagship. He shifted his flag to the old battleship USS New Mexico of the shore bombardment force after Indianapolis was struck by a kamikaze off Okinawa. When New Mexico was struck by two kamikaze on the night of 12 May 1945, a hasty search by Spruance’s staff found the admiral manning a fire hose amidship. Determining that New Mexico was not too badly damaged to remain on station, Spruance kept her as his flagship for the rest of the campaign.[22] Spruance later chose the battleship USS New Jersey as his flagship, as the huge Iowa-class battleship had both room for his staff and the speed to keep up with the fast carrier task forces.

Spruance received the Navy Cross for his actions at  Iwo Jima and Okinawa.[23]

Spruance succeeded Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz as Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas in November 1945, a few months after the end of the war.

On October 16, 1946, the former Secretary of WarRobert P. Patterson, presented the Army Distinguished Service Medal to Admiral Spruance, with citation as follows:

Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, U.S. Navy, as Task Force Commander during the capture of the Marshall and Marianas Islands, rendered exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services from January to June 1944. During the joint operations leading to the assault and capture of the important enemy bases, complete integration of Army and Navy units was accomplished under his outstanding leadership, enabling all the forces to perform their closely co-ordinated missions with outstanding success.[24]

At the end of the Second World War Congress created a limited number of five-star ranks for the Army and the Navy, designated General of the Army and Fleet Admiral.

The Navy, by law, was limited to four fleet admirals; three of these appointments were obvious: Ernest King, Chester Nimitz and William Leahy. The fourth was a choice between Halsey and Spruance, and after much deliberation, eventually Halsey was appointed in December 1945. Spruance’s achievements were acknowledged by the unique distinction of a special act of Congress awarding him Admiral’s full pay for life. Spruance expressed his personal feelings on this matter as follows:

So far as my getting five star rank is concerned, if I could have got it along with Bill Halsey, that would have been fine; but, if I had received it instead of Bill Halsey, I would have been very unhappy over it.[25]

Spruance was President of the Naval War College from February 1946 until he retired from the Navy in July 1948. He was decorated with Order of Leopold and Croix de guerre with Palm by the Government of Belgium for his service for the Allied cause.[26]

Shortly before his retirement, Spruance received the following Letter of Commendation from the Secretary of the Navy:

Your brilliant record of achievement in World War II played a decisive part in our victory in the Pacific. At the crucial Battle of Midway your daring and skilled leadership routed the enemy in the full tide of his advance and established the pattern of air-sea warfare which was to lead to his eventual capitulation…[24]

He was appointed as Ambassador to the Philippines by President Harry S. Truman, and served there from 1952 to 1955.

He received his Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.), honoris causa degree from Central Philippine University in 1955, an institution of higher learning founded by the American Baptist missionary, William Orison Valentine in 1905.

Spruance died in Pebble Beach, California, on December 13, 1969, and was buried with full military honors at Golden Gate National Cemetery near San Francisco. His wife, Margaret Dean (1888–1985), is buried alongside him, as are Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, his longtime friend Admiral Richmond K. Turner, and Admiral Charles A. Lockwood, an arrangement made by all of them while living. He was the grandfather of theatre director Anne Bogart.[27]

Spruance was an active man who thought nothing of walking eight or 10 miles a day. He was fond of symphonic music, and his tastes were generally simple. He never smoked, and drank little. He enjoyed hot chocolate and would make it for himself every morning. Besides his family, he loved the companionship of his pet schnauzer, Peter. Fit into his 70s, Spruance spent most of his retirement days wearing old khakis and work shoes and working in his garden and greenhouse; he loved to show them to visitors.[28]

His achievements in the navy were well known, but himself much less. He did not discuss his private life, feelings, prejudices, hopes or fears, except with his family and his closest friends. He was modest and candid about himself. “When I look at myself objectively,” he wrote in retirement, “I think that what success I may have achieved through life is largely due to the fact that I am a good judge of men. I am lazy, and I never have done things myself that I could get someone to do for me. I can thank heredity for a sound constitution, and myself for taking care of that constitution.” About his intellect he was equally unpretentious: “Some people believe that when I am quiet that I am thinking some deep and important thoughts, when the fact is that I am thinking of nothing at all. My mind is blank.”[28]


Sunk as a target off the Virginia Capes on 8 December 2006.

A Tin Can Sailors Destroyer History


The Tin Can Sailor, January 2009

The SPRUANCE (DD-963) was the lead ship of her class of 31 destroyers when she was launched on 10 November 1973 at the Ingalls shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi. The navy’s first ship to be named in honor of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, whose victory at the Battle of Midway was the turning point of the Pacific war, she was commissioned on 12 August 1975 in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Her early career as the navy’s latest ASW weapon included cruises in the Northern and Southern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and Persian Gulf with port calls in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. During a 1986-87 modernization, she was equipped with a vertical missile launching system. In January 1989 heavy winds forced the destroyer aground on a coral reef near Andros Island in the Bahamas. The same wind damaged her foremast. She was finally pulled free by the USNS MOHAWK (T-ATF-170) and USS GRASP (ARS-51).  There were no injuries, but repairs cost $1.4 million.

War with Iraq in January 1991brought the SPRUANCE to the Red Sea as part of  the carrier SARATOGA (CV-60) Battle Group. She operated with the cruiser PHILIPPINE SEA, flagship of a cruiser-destroyer escort group that included the SAMPSON (DDG-10) and   MONTGOMERY (FF-1082), as well as the battleship WISCONSIN (BB-64), the SOUTH CAROLINA (CGN-37), BIDDLE (CG-34), THOMAS C. HART (FF-1092), and DETROIT (AOE-4). For this operation, she was armed with Tomahawk missiles, which, according to  Desert Victory author Norman Friedman, played an essential role in disabling the Iraqi air-defense system. From their positions in the Red Sea, the ships of the SARATOGA Battle Group could strike targets in western Iraq and Baghdad.

The SPRUANCE returned to the Red Sea in May 1993 to conduct board and search operations to enforce UN sanctions against Iraq. Thereafter, she joined the Sixth Fleet making  stops in Spain, Italy, and Crete. She returned to the Red Sea in late June as flagship of the task force commander and took part in exercises with the Egyptian and Jordanian navies. On 10 September 1993, the SPRUANCE made the UN multinational force’s 18,000th ship interception since the sanctions were initiated in August 1990, when she stopped the Maltese cargo ship,  EARLY STAR. She was found to be empty and was permitted to go on her way. In October, the SPRUANCE was relieved as flagship by the USS HAYLER (DD-97) and headed for home. She had completed more than 170 boardings during her deployment.

A different mission took her to the Caribbean in July 1994 to take part in Operation Restore Democracy and assist the U.S. Coast Guard in enforcing the UN’s embargo on Haiti.  The SPRUANCE transported nine hundred Haitians to Guantanamo Naval Station. Routine operations took her into mid 1996 when she participated in BALTOPS 96, an exercises in the Baltic Sea involving 47 ships and aircraft from 12 squadrons representing the U.S., Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, and Sweden.

The following year, the SPRUANCE joined the USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV-67) Battle Group for a seven-month deployment in the Mediterranean. She was the flagship of DesRon 24 for visits to 13 foreign ports and engaged in five multinational exercises in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. She was Presidential Support Ship representing the U.S. Navy for  the fifty-second anniversary of the Allied landings in southern France and hosted military and diplomatic VIPs during Ukranian Independence Day celebrations. While operating in the Black Sea she participated in an exercise to train military forces in providing humanitarian aid to victims of a simulated earthquake in southern Ukraine.

She spent another busy year in 1999 deployed again with the JOHN F. KENNEDY Battle Group in the Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf. She left the battle group to relieve the USS PETERSON (DD-969) representing the Standing Naval Forces Mediterranean and then returned to the states, where she had to contend with the effects of Hurricanes Floyd and Gert off the east coast of Florida. She ended the year in the Mediterranean.

In June 2000, the SPRUANCE began a dry dock period in Jacksonville, which was the first time in ten years a U.S. Navy ship had dry docked there. She went into the floating dry dock SUSTAIN, which was brought especially from Norfolk to the St. John’s River. She was back at the naval station in Mayport in August and ready for action. On 24 September 2001, she began exercises at the Vieques Island firing range with the JOHN F. KENNEDY Battle Group, training in naval surface fire support and air-to-ground bombing. She was with the battle group in late January and again in February for Joint Task Force Exercises off the East Coast and on Florida and North Carolina training ranges.

In February 2002, she began her deployment to the Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf. She would have one final deployment with the KENNEDY battle group in June 2004 before she was decommissioned at Mayport on 23 March 2004 and transferred to Philadelphia. On 8 December 2006 the SPRUANCE was sunk as a target off the Virginia Capes. She was the longest serving ship of her class.

A Tin Can Sailors Destroyer History


The Tin Can Sailor, April 2012

The USS SPRUANCE (DD-963) was the lead ship of her class. She was named for Admiral Raymond A. Spruance. She was built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries at Pascagoula, Mississippi, and christened by Mrs. Raymond A. Spruance. The new ship was assigned to DesRon 24 and operated out of Mayport. As a class, the SPRUANCE ships proved highly successful as antisubmarine warfare destroyers. She was the first gas-turbine powered destroyer in the U.S. Navy. She was armed with an 8-cell NATO Sea Sparrow missile launcher for air defense.

She deployed to the Mediterranean for the first time in October 1979 with the SARATOGA battle group. She sailed with the BIDDLE (DDG-5), CONYNGHAM (DDG-17), MILWAUKEE (AOR-2), and MOUNT BAKER (AE-34). During the cruise, the SPRUANCE visited the Black Sea to conduct surveillance on the new Soviet helicopter carrier, MOSKVA, as she sailed from her building shipyard to join the Soviets’ Red Banner Northern Fleet, the SPRUANCE had to replace one of her LM-2500 gas turbine main engines.

Because she was the first gas turbine powered ship in the fleet, she had a distinctive underway replenishment breakaway flag, flown as she pulled away after receiving supplies and fuel from the logistics ship. It was a copy of the large yellow warning seen on the side of aircraft carrier superstructures. Its red block letters warned ‟Beware Jet Blast”. They unfurled the flag on the destroyer’s halyards and played the theme from the movie ‟Superman” as, with increasing speed, she steamed away from the supply ship.

The SPRUANCE deployed to the Arabian Sea in 1982, visiting the port of Mombasa, Kenya, in May 1982. She spent a brief time on station off Beirut in June 1982 before being relieved. That year, she transited both the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal in the same summer.

In January 1983, the SPRUANCE deployed for six months in the Persian Gulf in company with the USS OLIVER HAZARD PERRY (FFG-7) during the Iraq-Iran War. During a brief yard period, she received the CIWS and TAS Mk 23 radar system, then, in 1984, she went on to take part in Teamwork ’84 in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. She deployed to the Mediterranean Sea in November 1984 and conducted her second Black Sea Operations over Thanksgiving 1984. She returned from her deployment in May 1985 and shortly thereafter began her second overhaul during which she received the SH 60 and Vertical Launch System (VLS), replacing the old Mk 16 ASROC launcher.

She deployed to the Red Sea for six months in May 1993. There she spent over three and a half months conducting visits and board-and-search operations in support of United Nations sanctions against Iraq. While attached to the U.S. Sixth Fleet, the SPRUANCE visited ports in Spain. Additional stops in the Mediterranean consisted of a brief stop in Sicily, then to Souda Bay, Crete, for a maintenance period (IMAV) with the SHENANDOAH. The SPRUANCE passed through the Suez Canal on 29 June.

Upon arrival in the Red Sea, the SPRUANCE served as flagship of CTG 152.1 in command of the maritime interdiction forces. She served three different task force commanders.

While on station, the SPRUANCE conducted exercises with the Egyptian and Jordanian navies.

During her time in the Red Sea, she visited the Egyptian port of Hurghada for crew rest and relaxation. Other official port visits included Safaga, Egypt and Aqaba, Jordan, where the SPRUANCE hosted receptions for top military and embassy officials. On 10 September 1993, she intercepted the 18,000th ship since sanctions began in 1990. The ship intercepted the Maltese-flagged bulk carrier EARLY STAR en route from Massaua, Eritrea, to Aqaba in the Northern Red Sea. The ship was empty and was allowed to proceed. When the SPRUANCE was relieved as flagship on 9 October, she had completed more than 170 boardings. Once back in the

Mediterranean, she made port calls in France and Spain before returning home on 14 November.

In July 1994, as part of Operation Restore Democracy, she was one of the U.S. Navy ships assigned to enforce the United Nations embargo of Haiti. When the U.S. Coast Guard ships needed assistance in handling the volume of Haitians trying to escape from the island, the

SPRUANCE joined the effort, carrying nine hundred Haitians to Guantanamo Naval Station. She subsequently went on to Portsmouth, Virginia, for a period in dry dock.

In mid-1996, the SPRUANCE took part in the 24th annual BALTOPS, a U.S. invitational maritime exercise in the Baltic Sea. Made up of air, surface, and subsurface operations, the exercise involved 47 ships and aircraft from 12 different squadrons sent by 13 NATO and Partnership for Peace nations. The following year, she deployed to the Mediterranean from April through October with the JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV-67) carrier battle group. She served as the DesRon 24 flagship visiting thirteen foreign ports; participating in five multi-national naval exercises; serving as Presidential Support Ship in Rotterdam, Netherlands; representing the U.S.

Navy in Thoule Sur Mer, France, for the commemoration of the fifty-second anniversary of the Allied landings in southern France; and hosting Ukrainian military and diplomatic visitors during the 1997 Ukrainian Independence Day celebration. During that period, the SPRUANCE also took part in the Sea Breeze 97 Black Sea exercise that trained military forces to provide humanitarian relief for victims of a simulated earthquake in Southern Ukraine.

After dealing with the effects of Hurricane Floyd and Hurricane Gert off the east coast of

Florida, in the fall of 1999, the SPRUANCE crossed the Atlantic and entered the Mediterranean with other ships from the JOHN F. KENNEDY battle group. The battle group was the U.S. representative to the Standing Naval Forces Mediterranean, part of NATO’s reaction force ready to respond to any crisis concerning NATO’s interests in the Mediterranean.

On 1 June 2000, the SPRUANCE became the first U.S. Navy ship to use the dry dock in Jacksonville, Florida, in more than ten years. She remained there until early August. While in dry dock, her hull was cleaned and inspected and corrective and preventative maintenance performed. In September 2001, as part of the KENNEDY battle group, the SPRUANCE began

COMPUTEX exercises at the Vieques Island inner firing range and the northern and southern Puerto Rican operating areas. The exercises involved complex battle group training events, naval surface fire-support training, and air-to-ground bombing. COMPUTEX was designed to forge the battle group into a cohesive, fighting team, and was a critical step in the pre-deployment training cycle and prerequisite for the battle group’s Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) scheduled for early the following year.

In January 2002, as part of the battle group, the SPRUANCE began the two-phase Joint Task Force Exercise designed to meet the training requirement to prepare U.S. forces for joint and combined operations off the East Coast, as well as on training ranges in North Carolina and Florida. She returned to Mayport with the battle group on 7 December 2004 and was decommissioned there on 23 March 2005. The SPRUANCE was sunk as a target for aircraft-launched Harpoon missiles on 8 December 2006.

A Tin Can Sailors Destroyer History


The Tin Can Sailor, July 2016

Until the commissioning of the USS ZUMWALT (DDG-1000) later this year, the first USS SPRUANCE (DD-963) was the largest destroyer, by volume and length if not displacement, in U.S. Navy history. At 563 feet in length, they were longer even that the current Arleigh Burke-class although they displaced substantially less at 5,830 tons (light) compared to the Burke’s 9,200.

Designated DD, they nonetheless had guided missiles. What was to have been a two ship-type project of DXG destroyer and a smaller DX destroyer escort became a single ship type when the analysis indicated that the DX would of necessity meet all destroyer characteristics anyway. To save money the navy decided a single yard would build them all and would therefore have economies of scale. The 1970 contract was for 30 ships originally but a 31st was added in 1977 for DD-997 to be a DDH version that was to have carried four LAMPS Mk III helicopters. That order was changed to a standard Spruance before construction however. Competition with the DLGN nuclear destroyer project was likely the actual reason for not having the DDG designation because the DXG program was not approved whereas a DD program would pass Congressional scrutiny.

Litton Industries Pascagoula, Mississippi Engalls Shipbuilding had the contract for all 31 ships and produced them between 27 November 1972 when SPRUANCE (DD-963) had her keel laid and 2 March 1982 when Hayler (DD-997) was launched.

Named for famed World War II Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, the ship as to be the premier antisubmarine and anti-ship weapon and would allow retirement of the remaining World War II destroyers. The SPRUANCE was christened by Mrs. Raymond A. Spruance on 10 November 1973 and was commissioned 20 September 1975, CDR Raymond J. Harbrecht in command.

Propulsion came from two General Electric gas turbine engines, the same as were used on many commercial aircraft. Together they produced 80,000 SHP into two screws and made sure the ship could do the required 30 knots to keep up with the aircraft carriers they were to protect.

SPRUANCE carried as armament two 5-inch/54-cal. guns, ASROC, two Mk 32 triple 12.75-inch torpedo tubes, Sea Sparrow, Harpoon, and in the 1980s, Standard missiles were added in a Vertical Launch System (VLS) and the ASROC launcher was removed. A pair of Phalanx CIWS automatic Gatling guns were added for close-in protection at that time.

Being the first U.S. Navy ship with General Electric’s LM 2500 gas turbine engines, SPRUANCE was also the first to experience an underway engine failure. However the engine was easily replaced in port.

During the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s SPRUANCE was assigned to observe from the Persian Gulf and to help keep the sea lanes open while avoiding the combatants.

SPRUANCE returned to Norfolk from the deployment in May 1985 and entered the yards for an overhaul which included the addition of the VLS, a towed array sonar upgrade and the LAMPS Mk 2 SH-60 helicopter. The addition of the helicopter extends the antisubmarine detection and weapons range away from the ship significantly and of course serves several surveillance, rescue and transportation functions.

During the 1990s, SPRUANCE served as flagship for CTG 152.1 in the Red Sea. During that period three different task force commanders used DD-963 as flagship. Deployments were mostly from the East Coast to the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Red Sea and Persian Gulf. In 1994, during the UN embargo of Haiti, SPRUANCE was called upon to assist the Coast Guard in handling the thousands of Haitians who were at sea on overloaded unseaworthy vessels in danger of sinking. SPRUANCE once picked up nine hundred Haitians and carried them to Guantanamo, Cuba to be processed. She also played the usual maneuvering games with Soviet ships intent on denying the U.S. free access to the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

The SPRUANCE as-built complement was for 296 officers and enlisted but that rose as more and newer sensor systems, missiles, and helicopter were added, making the ship much more expensive to operate. When it came time to do a service life extension the navy determined the cost would be too high because the ships were not compatible with new systems and equipment so they opted to retire the class instead. USS SPRUANCE (DD-963) was decommissioned on 23 March 2005. On 8 December 2006 she was sunk as a target for aircraft-launched Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

USS SPRUANCE DD-963 Ship History

Wikipedia (as of 2024)

USS Spruance (DD-963) was the lead ship of the United States Navy‘s Spruance class of destroyers and was named after Admiral Raymond A. SpruanceSpruance was built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division of Litton Industries at Pascagoula, Mississippi, and launched by Mrs. Raymond A. Spruance.[1] Spruance served in the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, assigned to Destroyer Squadron 24 and operating out of Naval Station Mayport, FloridaSpruance was decommissioned on 23 March 2005 and then was sunk as a target on 8 December 2006.

Bath Iron WorksGeneral Dynamics and Litton Industries submitted proposals for production of DD-963 on 3 April 1969. Of the $30 million assigned, $28.5 million has been provided to three contractors.[2] Eventually, Litton’s bid won the competition.

Spruance was the first of a highly-successful class of anti-submarine warfare and anti-ship destroyers, and was the first destroyer powered by gas turbines in the U.S. Navy. At first she was armed with two 5-inch naval guns, an ASROC missile launcher, and an eight-cell NATO Sea Sparrow missile launcher. Spruance received one Mark 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS) during the late 1980s. This replaced the original Mark 16 ASROC launcher. Also added to Spruance after several years of service was an eight-cell launcher for Harpoon antiship missiles.

Spruances first operational deployment was in October 1979 to the Mediterranean Sea, as a member of the USS Saratoga Carrier Battle Group. The other warships in this task force included USS BiddleUSS ConynghamUSS Milwaukee, and USS Mount Baker. During this deployment, Spruance made a transit into the Black Sea to conduct surveillance on the new Soviet helicopter carrierMoskva, as she steamed from her building shipyard to the Soviet Red Banner Northern FleetSpruance suffered a malfunction in one of her LM2500 Gas Turbine Main Engines and had to replace the engine while deployed. This was done successfully in port.[citation needed]

Spruance, being the first gas-turbine powered ship in the U.S. fleet, had an underway replenishment breakaway flag (flown while pulling away from receiving supplies and fuel from a logistics ship at sea) that was a replication of the large yellow warning seen on the side of aircraft carriers, with red block letters saying “BEWARE JET BLAST” on a large yellow background. Upon “breaking” (unfurling) the flag on the halyards, they would play the theme song from the 1976 film Rocky as they increased speed and sailed ahead of the logistics vessel.[citation needed]

Spruance entered her first major overhaul in 1980 at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. During a brief shipyard period in 1983, she received the Phalanx CIWS and the TAS Mk 23 radar system.[citation needed]

Spruance steamed to the Arabian Sea in 1983 including a port visit to Mombasa, Kenya, in May 1983. She briefly took station off Beirut in June 1982 before being relieved. In 1982, she transited both the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal during the same summer.[citation needed]

Spruance deployed for a six-month period in January 1983 to the Persian Gulf where she spent four and one-half months conducting observations in company with USS Oliver Hazard Perry during the Iraq-Iran War. She also conducted operations with Teamwork ’84 in the northern Atlantic and in the Arctic Ocean in 1984. She deployed to the Mediterranean Sea in November 1984 and conducted her second Black Sea Operations over Thanksgiving 1984. She returned from her deployment in May 1985 and shortly thereafter entered her second overhaul period during which she received VLS, Towed Array, and the SH 60. She deployed for a six-month period on 26 May 1993 to the Red Sea where she spent over three and a half months conducting visit and board and search operations in support of United Nations sanctions against Iraq. While attached to the U.S. Sixth FleetSpruance conducted a brief stop for fuel in Rota, Spain, followed by a liberty port visit in Palma, Spain. Additional stops in the Mediterranean consisted of a brief stop in Augusta Bay, Sicily, then to Souda Bay, Crete, for a maintenance period (IMAV) with USS ShenandoahSpruance passed through the Suez Canal on 29 June.[citation needed]

Admirals Vern Clark and Gary Roughead (who would later go on to become the 27th and 29th Chiefs of Naval Operations, respectively), were Spruances commanding officer and executive officer, respectively, from 1984 to 1985.[citation needed]

On 26 January 1989, Spruance ran aground on a reef while traveling at 3 knots (5.6 km/h; 3.5 mph) near Andros Island in the Bahamas.[3] The incident occurred during anti-submarine training exercises in the deep-water trench east of the island. Navy tugs and the USS Boone re-floated the ship, which suffered $1.8 million in damage to the hull, propellers, sonar dome, and forward mast. A Navy report faulted a junior officer who had conduct at the time of the incident, Lt. W.T. Hicks, finding that he ignored the advice of the quartermaster who advised against a course change that would take them closer to the reef.[4] Hicks was discharged from the Navy following the grounding. Neither the ship’s skipper, Commander Travis W. Parker Jr., or the Executive Officer, Commander J.M. Braeckel, were on the bridge at the time of the maneuvers that led to the grounding.

Upon arrival in the Red Sea, under command of CTG 152.1, Commander Maritime Interdiction Forces, Spruance assumed the duties of the flagship for the task force commander. While on station, Spruance was the flagship for three different task force commanders. While on station, Spruance conducted exercises with the Egyptian Navy and the Jordanian Navy. During Spruances tenure in the Red Sea, she conducted several port visits to Hurghada, Egypt, for crew rest and relaxation. Other official port visits were conducted in Safaga, Egypt, and Aqaba, Jordan, where Spruance hosted receptions for top military and embassy officials. On 10 September 1993, Spruance intercepted the 18,000th ship since sanctions were put into place in August 1990, as part of the multinational maritime interception effort enforcing United Nations sanctions against Iraq. The ship’s crew intercepted the Maltese-flagged bulk carrier “Early Star” in the North Red Sea during normal intercept operations. The merchant ship was sailing from Massaua, Eritrea, to Aqaba. As the ship was empty, it was allowed to proceed toward its destination.[citation needed]

Spruance was relieved as flagship by USS Hayler on 9 October after having completed more than 170 boardings, and then started her transit homeward through the Suez Canal on 11 October. Once back in the Mediterranean Sea, the ship made port calls in Toulon, France; Alicante, Spain; and Rota, Spain. She returned home on 14 November.[citation needed]

In July 1994, as part of Operation Restore Democracy, U.S. Navy ships were assigned to helping to enforce the United Nations embargo of Haiti. However, so many Haitians were picked up from the sea that U.S. Coast Guard ships needed an assist from U.S. Navy ships in the region to handle the volume. Among these was Spruance which took onboard nine hundred Haitians for the transit to Guantanamo Naval Station.[citation needed]

Spruance transferred to Portsmouth, Virginia and entered drydock after the deployment.

In mid-1996, Spruance took part in the 24th annual U.S. invitational maritime exercise in the Baltic Sea, the BALTOPS 96 exercise. Made up of air, surface and subsurface operations, the exercise involved 47 ships and aircraft from 12 different squadrons sent by 13 NATO-member and Partnership for Peace nations: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, LithuaniaLatviaNetherlandsPoland, Russia, SwedenUnited Kingdom, and United States.[citation needed]

Spruance steamed in the Mediterranean from April through October 1997 with the carrier battle group supporting USS John F. Kennedy. Serving as the flagstaff of Destroyer Squadron 24, Spruance made significant contributions throughout the deployment including: visiting thirteen foreign ports; participating in five multinational naval exercises in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea; serving as Presidential Support Ship in Rotterdam, Netherlands; representing the U.S. Navy in Thoule Sur Mer, France, in commemorating the fifty-second anniversary of the Allied landings in southern France; and hosting Ukrainian military and diplomatic distinguished visitors during the 1997 Ukrainian Independence Day celebration. During that period, Spruance also took part in the Partnership For Peace Exercise “Sea Breeze 97” in the Black Sea. Sea Breeze 97 trained military forces on how to provide humanitarian relief for victims of a simulated earthquake in Southern Ukraine.[citation needed]

In the fall of 1999, Spruance detached from the John F. Kennedy carrier group to relieve USS Peterson as the U.S. representative to the Standing Naval Forces Mediterranean (STANAVFORMED). After dealing with the effects of Hurricane Floyd and Hurricane Gert off the east coast of Florida, Spruance crossed the Atlantic and entered the Mediterranean with other ships from the John F. Kennedy carrier group. STANAVFORMED is part of NATO’s ‘Reaction Force’ and as such was ready to respond to any crisis in NATO’s area of interest, although its primary area of operations is the Mediterranean. Spruance was expected to remain assigned to STANAVFORMED through March 2000.[citation needed]

On 1 June 2000, Spruance became the first U.S. Navy ship to use the drydock in Jacksonville, Florida, in over ten years. She left Naval Station Mayport, Florida, early on 1 June, traveled up the St. John’s River to the drydock facility, and remained there until early August. During the drydock, the ship was raised out of the water, her hull was cleaned and inspected, and corrective and preventative maintenance was performed. On 24 September 2001, as part of the John F. Kennedy Carrier Battle Group, Spruance commenced use of the Vieques Island inner range in conjunction with their Composite Unit Training Exercises (COMPTUEX). The exercise, which began the week prior, also utilized the northern and southern Puerto Rican operating areas, and involved complex battle group training events, naval surface fire-support training and air-to-ground bombing. COMPTUEX is an intermediate level battle group exercise designed to forge the battle group into a cohesive, fighting team, and is a critical step in the predeployment training cycle and prerequisite for the battle group’s Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) scheduled for early the following year. Successful completion of the COMPTUEX also certifies the carrier and its embarked air wing as qualified for open ocean operations.[citation needed]

Spruance, along with the John F. Kennedy carrier group took part, from 19 January through 26 January 2002, in Phase I of Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) 02-1; and from 7 – 14 February in Phase II of Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) 02-1. The JTFEX is designed to meet the requirement for quality, realistic training to prepare U.S. forces for joint and combined operations and also provides the opportunity to certify the CVBG for deployment. That particular JTFEX was scheduled for two phases to accommodate recent repairs to the carrier, which required it to be pierside during Phase I. The exercise took place in the waters off the East Coast, as well as on training ranges in North Carolina and Florida.[citation needed]

Deploying with the John F. Kennedy carrier group in June 2004, Spruance returned to Mayport on 7 December 2004. She decommissioned 23 March 2005. She was sunk as a target for aircraft-launched Harpoon missiles in the Atlantic Ocean off the Virginia Capes on 8 December 2006.[5][6]