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May 14-17, 2020 | Fall River, Massachusetts

Battleship Cove, Fall River, MA

$30 Per Person, Per Field Day

Make checks payable to:
USS Massachusetts Memorial Committee

Mail your check and the coupon below to:

Attn: Beth Gaboury, Office Manager
c/o USS Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. (DD-850)
Battleship Cove, Five Water Street, Fall River, MA 02721

In memo field, please write DD-850 Field Day

For more information about our monthly field days or restoration program, contact Ted Hayes at

Registration Form

What’s a Field Day?

A Field Day is a working weekend aboard a destroyer that is now a museum. For many, it is like a chance to go back in time. All types of volunteer labor are welcome but electricians, welders, plumbers, carpenters, etc., are especially needed. Others can clean or paint or do any of the other tasks that always need to be done.